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Budget Oz – Lion’s Mane

  • THC: 28.78%
  • CBD: >1%

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Product Description

*Mixed Flower Ounce Discounts DO NOT APPLY to budget ounces*

From time to time, we offer budget ounces for customers as a courtesy because we understand not all customers are able to afford 8 ounces for the 45% discount. This is great for those on a budget who can only purchase single ounces. By no means is this a lower quality product just because it’s a budget ounce (28 grams). We took a great strain and put it at a great price point.

*Any multiple budget oz purchases of the same strain will be put together in 1 bag. For Ex 3 ounces will be bagged together.*

Bud Size: Medium – Large
Texture: Gooey
Flavours: Candy / Sweet / Pungent
Batch Date: December 5, 2023

Lion’s Mane is an indica-dominant hybrid marijuana strain from unknown lineage. This strain is potent and produces euphoric, cerebral effects that feel psychedelic to some consumers. You can expect Lion’s Mane to leave you feeling creative and stimulated – an ideal strain for unlocking writers block, or introspective debate. Medical marijuana patients choose this strain to help relieve symptoms associated with depression and fatigue. Lion’s Mane features a spicy and sour aroma and a flavor that is reminiscent of chamomile. Lion’s Mane was originally bred by Lemonnade.

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