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Shop Tinctures Products


Tinctures are a perfect springboard into medicinal and recreational use. You can ingest them in many different ways not only orally, or sublingually, but also incorporating them into meals and drinks, such as dressings for example.

Tinctures are alcohol-based cannabis extracts also known as golden or green dragon. They were originally the main form of cannabis medicine in the U.S. before its prohibition.

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THC: 94-98%   CBD: <1%  
Original price was: $95.00 – $1,750.00.Current price is: $85.00 – $1,400.00.

Raw THC Distillate BULK (Jars)

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Raw THC Distillate BULK (Jars)

Earn up to 1,400 Points.

THC: 94-98%   CBD: <1%  

Raw THC Individual 1ML Distillate Syringe

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Raw THC Individual 1ML Distillate Syringe

Earn up to 600 Points.

Buy Tinctures & Topicals online in Canada

Are you looking for Marijuana Topicals and Tinctures to buy online? Don’t look any further you are in the right spot.

We provide both THC and CBD products, so, if you like marijuana effects and the recreational aspect of it, you can go for THC. On the other hand, If you prefer the medicinal aspect and don’t want to feel high, we would recommend the CBD version. At Canna Whole Salers, we make sure everyone can find the product that fits their needs, so please look at our products and you will find what you are looking for. If you are also interested in edibles, you can take a look at our range of products!