Shop Edibles Products
Shop Cannawholesalers for a variety of CBD Edibles. Our edibles range from gummies and capsules to honey if you are also looking for other CBD products or THC Edibles we have them too. At Cannawholesalers, we’re here to help.
If you don’t want the psychoactive effect of THC, yet still want the health benefits linked to cannabis, Cannaholesalers offer CBD edibles. CBD is known for properties that treat anxiety, inflammation, and stress. Cannabidiol is better known as CBD and is used for many wide-spread ailments. Cannabidiol is one of over 100 compounds known as cannabinoids found in marijuana (Cannabis).
Showing all 12 results

Cara-Melts – (40mg CBD : 40mg THC) Sativa
Cara-Melts – (40mg CBD : 40mg THC) Sativa

Cara-Melts – (80mg THC) Indica
Cara-Melts – (80mg THC) Indica

Cara-Melts – (80mg THC) Sativa
Cara-Melts – (80mg THC) Sativa

Cara-Melts – (80MG) CBD
Cara-Melts – (80MG) CBD

CBD Mota 300MG Blue Raspberry Soda Bottles
CBD Mota 300MG Blue Raspberry Soda Bottles

CBD Sour Squares 300MG MOTA
CBD Sour Squares 300MG MOTA

Halley’s Comet Full Spectrum 1:1 CBD:THC Jelly Bomb – Sativa
Halley’s Comet Full Spectrum 1:1 CBD:THC Jelly Bomb – Sativa

MOTA CBD Strawberry and Key Lime Jellies
MOTA CBD Strawberry and Key Lime Jellies

Mota Medicated Gummies Hybrid Sour Peaches
Mota Medicated Gummies Hybrid Sour Peaches

Mota Medicated Gummies Sativa Wigglers
Mota Medicated Gummies Sativa Wigglers

Twisted Extracts CBD Peach Jelly Bomb – (80mg CBD ea.)
Twisted Extracts CBD Peach Jelly Bomb – (80mg CBD ea.)

Twisted Extracts CBD Pineapple Jelly Bomb – (80mg CBD)
Twisted Extracts CBD Pineapple Jelly Bomb – (80mg CBD)

Buy CBD Edibles Online in Canada
If you don’t want the psychoactive effect of THC, yet still want the health benefits linked to cannabis, Cannaholesalers offer CBD edibles. CBD is known for properties that treat anxiety, inflammation, and stress. Cannabidiol is better known as CBD and is used for many wide-spread ailments. Cannabidiol is one of over 100 compounds known as cannabinoids found in marijuana (Cannabis).
CBD is an appealing option for those who look for relief from pain without intoxicating effects of THC or some pharmaceutical drugs. Some studies confirm that it may very well ease symptoms caused by chronic pain and anxiety. There is evidence that shows that CBDs relieve such conditions as:
Use CBD Edibles for Health
CBD for Pain:
The human body produces endocannabinoids (neurotransmitters). CBDs impact endocannabinoid receptor activity.
Anxiety and Depression:
The World Health Organization states that depression is the single largest contributor to disability worldwide. CBD oil shows signs of effective treatment of both depression and anxiety.
Symptoms Related to Cancer:
CBDs don’t just relieve symptoms related to cancer, but also cancer treatment, even when traditional pain medication can’t.
Affecting more than 9% of the population, acne is another condition wherein CBDs, because of their anti-inflammatory properties, are shown to reduce sebum production (oil in the skin that is said to cause acne).
CBDs are showing indications of benefiting patients with certain neurological disorders.
Heart Health:
CBDs are even linked to being beneficial for the heart and the circulatory system.
Other Potential Benefits: These include aiding in certain mental disorders, substance abuse, the spread of tumours, and diabetes.