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Weed and Sex, are there any benefits?

Cannabis and Sex

If you choose to use cannabis to augment your sex life, it is important to know that the effects might be different between men and women. What good sex means to you may be different than what it means to your partner. You may have different ideas about what good sex means for each of you. It’s important to communicate with each other about what you both like and don’t like, to have the best possible sex life.

Research is limited, and most surveys are self-reported. Cannabis may very well allow individuals to enjoy sex more since anxiety or pain may become less of a distraction, but quality research-based evidence linking cannabis to sexual pleasure is somewhat lacking.

Cannabinoids and endocannabinoids likely interact with other neurotransmitters and hormones that mediate sexual function. It does appear that cannabis may have a positive effect on sexual desire. A recent study found that those who used marijuana daily had about 20% more sex in the previous four weeks than those who did not.

How Weed Effects Sex

Marijuana’s ability to reduce anxiety may help people feel more relaxed and less pressured during sex, which could lead to them having more enjoyable sexual experiences.

Marijuana may also help increase your communication skills. This means that you will be better able to tell your partner what you want and need from them. This can lead to better sex with cannabis and a more fulfilling and satisfying relationship for both of you.

The Effect of Cannabis on Women VS Men

It has been found that in females, there is a connection between cannabis and orgasm. The cannabinoid THC – which is the psychoactive component of cannabis – appears to target a part of our brain associated with sexual arousal. In one study, 34% of the 373 studied, noted increased sex drive, improved orgasm, and decreased pain. It was found that for those using marijuana before sex, the odds were 2.13 higher of reporting a satisfactory orgasm compared with abstainers.

The effects of cannabis on the sexual experience of women have much to do with the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. This regulates the production of sex hormones, which in turn can affect sexual desire and function.

In men, on the other hand, the findings aren’t as favorable. The rate of erectile dysfunction is nearly twice that of those who do not use cannabis. One of the possible mechanisms regulating erectile function and sexual behavior is through the endocannabinoid system and its receptors in the hypothalamus.

Research emerging from marijuana users suggests that the drug may have different effects on sexual function in men than in women. While marijuana use may enhance sexual function in women, erectile dysfunction is an issue among male users.

Does Strain Balance Matter?

Currently, the community is divided on whether strain balance has anything to do with libido. Their advice is to focus on dosage levels and methods of use, rather than type. Many now suspect that sexual libido has more to do with terpenes than with THC. Terpenes add to the effect of cannabis, though we aren’t entirely sure how just yet. They contribute to the smell and taste of plants, and it’s thought that they play a role in the potency and characteristics of cannabis.

Dose and Delivery

Interestingly, the aphrodisiac qualities of cannabis seem to only occur in low to moderate doses; however, in high doses, cannabis can have the opposite effect. Edible products increasingly do have a carefully dosed out amount of cannabis, but it is generally advised that if you are just starting out, you might want to stick to smoking or vaping, as it is more difficult to control cannabis dose in edibles and harder to predict the high.

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