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The Profound After Effects Of The Marijuana Weed

Smoking marijuana affects the body and mind but how? The physical, emotional and spiritual aspects, positive and negative, have been researched copiously. Now that marijuana has received a clean chit in terms of no addiction and gateway to harder drugs that it is not, the weed is approved for medical consumption. A lot of people are gleefully taking in legal medical marijuana in America and elsewhere.

The Marijuana Impact Upon The Economy

Marijuana can become an expensive habit. High quality cannabis consumption for a regular smoker can cost up to $350 per week. Although the marijuana habit is not physically addictive, it is not easy for some people to put down psychologically. The problem is that costs elsewhere like on food and a car may suffer in order to cope up with marijuana expenses. Thus, getting along with marijuana could present a tight financial situation if the bill amounts to $1400 each month. The habit may dent the plans to invest in a house or car or whatever large expense was in the offing. One avenue to make ends meet with marijuana is to do away with the non-essential expenses. Shopping for vanity purchases, eating at expensive hotels and even vacations could be part of the non-essential syndrome but it depends upon what individuals and families consider the best options.


Tetra-Hydro-Cannabinol promotes the “high” component of marijuana and the brain produces an effect upon the Cannabinoid receptors. Bloodshot eyes and dry mouth are the results within a few minutes of smoking marijuana, with an urge to eat. Eating cannabis or drinking it may delay the response a little bit.


Many smokers report that short-term memory is impaired by smoking. You may be altering your sense of time, the speed of reaction may slow down and handling machinery or driving could be dangerous.

Adverse Reactions

Some smokers do experience anxiety or paranoia after ingestion of cannabis. After smoking for prolonged periods of time, users have reported enhanced respiratory illnesses like the problems with cigarette smoking.

Effects on Women

Female marijuana users have experienced irregular menstrual cycles. Pregnant women who smoke marijuana could have babies born prematurely or with low birth weight and suffer additional health problems too.

Effects on Men

Males who smoke marijuana before puberty delay its onset. A reduction in sperm production has been reported in heavy marijuana smokers.

Medicinal Purposes

Marijuana helps both cancer and AIDS patients. Debilitating pain has been known to be significantly relieved through marijuana use.

Source by Bhaswati C Mukherjee

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