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How CBD is Extracted from Cannabis

Extraction Processes Determine How Effective the CBD Is

The method used for extraction can differ significantly. We want to make sure you understand how CBD oil is produced because it can have a significant effect on your health, and it does differ based on the company you’re buying it from. So, buy your CBD online from Canna Wholesalers, your online dispensary in Vancouver.

What is a CBD Extract?

CBD (or cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant. Recently attaining wide popularity, it is now the most sought-after cannabis component. CBD is the cannabinoid of choice for medical patients due to its many therapeutic properties which, among other things, includes reducing the frequency and severity of seizures, treating depression, reducing inflammation, reducing nausea in cancer patients, and relieving stress.

Why is Extraction Needed?

CBD is made available for human consumption by extracting the compound from cannabis or hemp. For CBD to have any effect, decarboxylation must be part of the process (a procedure wherein the cannabinoid compounds in cannabis flowers, trim, leaves, or kief, are only made available once the cannabis is heated). This process targets cannabinoid acids, also known as inactive cannabinoids, in the trichomes.

Partial decarboxylation is attained simply by drying the cannabis. Smoking or vaping provides instant decarboxylation which is absorbable through inhalation. CDB products like capsules, oils, and edibles require decarboxylation as part of the extraction process.

The extraction process, in addition to extracting CBD, also eliminates potentially harmful microbes and components of cannabis like lipids and plant waxes, making available the therapeutic CBD compound.

The Top 3 Extraction Methods


Butane, ethanol, isopropyl, propane, or alcohol are the solvents used for this extraction process. When it comes to CBD extraction, this method is the least pricey, however is the most dangerous, as it is highly flammable. The solvent method dissolves the wax content of the plant, extracting cannabinoids along with the bitter-tasting chlorophyll. This process requires the complete elimination of the solvents through evaporation in order to remove toxicity.


A higher-end extraction method conducted by companies producing CBDs is the method of using CO2. Since the number of companies using this method has increased, it has become fairly popular in the market. This is a very capital-intensive process. The equipment is expensive. When completed successfully, this process yields the safest, most potent, and most chlorophyll-free CBD extract.

Olive Oil:

This extraction method is one of the oldest. Among many users of CBD, it is considered the best. It is safe, economical, and easy. It starts with a decarboxylation process. Then the olive oil and plant material are combined and heated again. At this stage, cannabinoids are extracted. Because of the olive oil still present, it is not as concentrated as other methods. Also, olive oil is perishable, for that reason, it might not be for everyone.

Types of CBD Extracts

Full-Spectrum CBD:

A full-spectrum CBD has all of the cannabinoid content & plant compounds. It maintains all of the amino acids and terpenes. There may even be trace amounts of THC.

Broad-Spectrum CBD:

This CBD extract is very similar to the full-spectrum CBD however, it may be without the THC that is present in the full-spectrum CBD.

CBD Isolate:

The advantage to CBD isolate is that you get a concentration of 99%, perfect for those looking for a higher dose of CBD, but it may also lack other cannabinoids and terpenes, negating the benefits of the entourage effect.