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Marijuana in Ancient China

Marijuana has a rich history. California’s legalization of medical marijuana through Proposition 215, and the public debate surrounding it, has brought a renewed interest in the cannabis sativa plant from which marijuana is harvested. The growing public acceptance of medicinal marijuana is helping to dispel myths about cannabis. Only recently has marijuana been treated like […]

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The Profound After Effects Of The Marijuana Weed

Smoking marijuana affects the body and mind but how? The physical, emotional and spiritual aspects, positive and negative, have been researched copiously. Now that marijuana has received a clean chit in terms of no addiction and gateway to harder drugs that it is not, the weed is approved for medical consumption. A lot of people […]

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What Really Is CBD and How Does It Work?

CBD is the short form for cannabidiol. It is an important phytocannabinoid that is found in the hemp and is known to support the mind and the body in lots of different ways. CBD products in the shape of Cachets also contain cannabinoids, which have CBD extracts. What makes CBD work? How does CBD get […]

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Know the Benefits of Cannabis

What do the current medical laws sweeping the country mean? How do they work? Contrary to the opinion of many, not just anyone can get medicinal cannabis. According to these new state laws, you must have at least one illness on a specific list of conditions and this must be diagnosed by a real doctor […]

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Enjoying The Health Benefits Of Medical Marijuana

Recreational marijuana and its legalization may be driving many people to try this treatment option, but the fact is that the medical use of cannabis is not something new. The use of this plant for treatment purposes can be traced to ancient times when marijuana was prescribed for digestive problems, pain relief and even psychological […]

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Marijuana Facts – Ten Surprising Truths About Marijuana Medicine

1. Healthcare professionals are in favor of medical marijuana. In a survey of Medscape, an online community for doctors and nurses, it was found that three out of four doctors and nine out of 10 nurses favor decriminalization of marijuana for medical use. 2. The vast majority of medical marijuana prescriptions are for life-threatening conditions. […]

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Medical Marijuana – A Growing Field

Even with no pun intended it is hard to ignore the thriving business environment surrounding the production and sale of medical marijuana. With MMJ now legalized in 15 states and the District of Columbia, the market is expanding vigorously. Treating a Variety of Ailments THC, the active ingredient in marijuana has been shown to effectively […]

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Medical Marijuana: It Really Is A Healing Herb

Medical Marijuana has been used for healing for thousands of years. In ancient China, India, the Middle East and even America the herb had been identified as having medicinal properties. Even in more modern times Queen Victoria and her personal physician did some groundbreaking work into the medical application of marijuana. The herb had also […]

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Medical Marijuana is a Booming Business

Earlier this year the Attorney General Eric Holder indicted that the DEA would end the arrests on the state approved medical marijuana dispensaries. This has created a booming business opportunity for those businesses whom have ties with the marijuana industry. Businesses such as smoking accessories have benefited from the increase supply and demand of the […]

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How to Start a Medical Marijuana Business in California

Medical Marijuana Stores or Medical Cannabis Dispensaries are nothing new in California. They have been around since the law was passed in 1996 making medical marijuana legal in California. Before 2016, you could open a medical marijuana dispensary in California by complying with local city and/or County requirements. But now we have two new licensing […]

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